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Area, houses, and population, Vol. I, Ireland, 1891

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-iv, Pages i-iii) Title page & contents
(Pages iii-iv) Index to county and provincial tables
(70 pages)Expand subtree Carlow
(152 pages)Expand subtree Dublin
(96 pages)Expand subtree Kildare
(120 pages)Expand subtree Kilkenny
(84 pages)Expand subtree King's
(66 pages)Expand subtree Longford
(80 pages)Expand subtree Louth
(118 pages)Contract subtree Meath
(Pages 653-656) Title page & contents
(Pages 657-658) Summary
(Pages 659-704)Expand subtree Tables. Area, houses, and population
(Pages 705-706)Expand subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Pages 707-709)Expand subtree Ages of the people
(Pages 710-711)Expand subtree Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 712-733)Expand subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 734-737)Expand subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 737-738)Expand subtree Foreigners
(Page 738)Expand subtree Blind, deaf and dumb, &c
(Pages 739-741)Expand subtree Religious professions of the people
(Pages 741-769)Contract subtree Religious profession and education of the people
(Pages 741-755) XXX. Showing by parishes, the population according to religious professions, ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 756) XXXI. Population of the parliamentary divisions, townships, and principal towns on the night of the 5th of April, 1891, according to religious professions, ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Pages 756-764) XXXII. Showing, by parishes, the population five years of age and upwards, in 1891, according to religious) professions and sexes; also the number and proportion per cent. of those who were illiterate
(Page 765) XXXIII. Comparative view of the number and per-centage of persons belonging to each religious profession at the census periods of 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891; also of the number and per-centage of persons five years of age and upwards who were illiterate
(Page 765) XXXIV. Number and ages of persons who spoke Irish only, and of persons who spoke Irish and. English, in each barony, in 1891; also the number and ages of the persons who spoke Irish only, and of those who spoke Irish and English in 1881
(Pages 766-768) XXXV. Showing, by parishes, the number of educational establishments primary and superior and also the number, ages, and religious professions of the pupils and students, distinguishing resident from non-resident, in attendance thereat, during the week ending 30th May 1891
(Page 769) XXXVI. Summary of educational establishments
(Page 769) XXXVII. Showing, by sexes, the number and proportion per cent. to the population under each religious profession of persons receiving instruction in educational establishments in 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891
(Page 770)Expand subtree Emigration
(88 pages)Expand subtree Queen's
(90 pages)Expand subtree Westmeath
(136 pages)Expand subtree Wexford
(90 pages)Expand subtree Wicklow
(54 pages)Expand subtree Provincial summary
(64 pages)Expand subtree Alphabetical indexes to the places mentioned in the several county tables